Shipping costs within Germany:
For orders up to € 50, TOPS charges € 4.95 for shipping, regardless of the number of items, the price and the size of the shipment. Orders of € 50 or more are shipped for free.
Shipping costs to Austria:
For orders up to € 100, TOPS charges € 7.95 for shipping, regardless of the number of items, the price and the size of the shipment. Orders of € 100 or more are shipped for free.
Other shipping costs within Europe (PDF)
Track & Trace
You can follow your package online at any time. If something should go wrong during the shipping: your package has a standard insurance of up to € 520 for loss or damages during transport.
What if my package is delivered when I am not at home?
DPD will offer the package up to two times. If you are not at home, the driver will leave a card in your mailbox after the first attempt. Afterwards, you can choose a new date and time for delivery using the website It is also possible to choose a different shipping address or ‘deposit permission’ (leaving the parcel at a specific location).

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